Adamstown Uniting Church


Gather-in is our Welcome Space
urging us to be all-inclusive and welcoming of diversity

Gather-In welcomes us to the
Sorry Garden, Come Together Mural, The Rainbow Steps and our Angel Wings

Welcome Space

Come Together Mural

The Come Together Mural design by Indigenous artist Maree Bisby
is an acknowledgement of our own creation and uniqueness.

Welcoming Community - Adamstown Uniting Church

Welcome Space

Sorry Garden

A space for expressing regret and sorrow
and building new relationships
with people the church has hurt in the past

Welcome Space

The Rainbow Steps

Our Rainbow Steps are a public statement
that this place is a safe place for the rainbow community
their families and their allies

Welcoming Community - Adamstown Uniting Church

Welcome Space

Angel Wings

These Angel Wings were created by artist Melanie O’Dell
to celebrate diversity and everyone is encouraged to
photograph themselves in front of the wings